Ten Hiking Gear Essentials List For Every Hiker

Ten Hiking Gear Essentials List For Every Hiker

Wondering what to bring on a hike? Whether you are hiking to your usual spot or planning to climb a difficult summit, carrying proper hiking essentials and equipment is a good hiking habit. You may not use it every time you go on a hike, but if things go south, you will appreciate these hiking supplies.

For the first-time hikers and sage backcountry hikers alike, carrying essential hiking gear is an important part of hiking preparations. In this article, we have mentioned the 10 essentials gear supplies for hiking. These essentials can be vital for your survival during the long hike.

Ten Day Hiking Gear Essentials List

  • NAVIGATION – a trusty compass and topo map are the two essential navigation components that you should bring with you when going for a hike in the backcountry. These are lightweight, reliable, durable and will never run out of batteries. 

However, you need to know how to use them, so brush up on learning how to use a compass and map.

You are always going to take your mobile phone along with you, so download essential phone saps and GPS devices (GAIA, TopoMaps), which can be a good substitute for compass and map. 

Carry a USB power bank along in case your phone runs out of battery. GPS devices can be very useful, but they can never replace a compass and a map fully.

  • SUN PROTECTION – Sun protection is a must in hiking essentials list. Sun protection is very important for any kind of backpacking trip, even when the weather is dull and cloudy. Sunscreen, sunglasses, SPF lip balm, a wide-brimmed hat, or protective clothing should have their own place in your bag.

Cracked lips, bad sunburns, and snow blindness can make you weak if not well protected.

  • INSULATION -you can never trust the weather. It can change very quickly; therefore, it is recommended to always bring along the insulation clothing layer, even during the warm weather.

 An extra layering and quick-dry clothing will keep your warm and safe when the temperature drops. Avoid cotton products; they take a long time to dry and pull the heat from the body. 

Instead, you should carry quick-dry clothes, synthetic layers that prevent the clothes from soaking sweat. A wet clothing piece can chill you to the bones.

  • ILLUMINATION – always carry a headlamp even when you are planning to come back before dark. Light or torch is important equipment in hiking essential gear list.

Sometimes hikes go on longer than planned, and it is easy to get lost in the dark and make the situation worse. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, you will feel glad that you bought a headlamp along to find the way home.

We usually hike with our phones in the pocket and can also use their flashlights for light sources. Make sure you keep the batteries of your phone and headlamp prior to the hike.

  • FIRST AID SUPPLIES – when you are packing your bags for the hike, it is mandatory to carry a first aid kit. You can buy a pre-packed first aid kit or make your own. This will provide a lightweight and helpful set up in case of minor ailments. 
  • FIRE – knowing how to build a fire in bad weather can be a lifesaver during hiking. Pack two lighters in your hiking essentials and gear kit. Also, carry matchsticks and firestarter cubes.

Note: firestarters should only be used when you really need it during wet weather conditions.

If you want to be more survivalist style, then carry a small fire flint. Some hikers usually make homemade fire starters because it is cheap and easy to make.

  • REPAIR KIT & TOOLS – don’t forget to include repair kit and tools in your 10 essential hiking gear kit lists. You can carry a lightweight multi tool kit with basic repair equipment on every hiking or backpacking trip.

A simple multi-tool knife kit, like a swizz army tinker, will be very useful in different situations. Tenacious tapes and duct tapes are also useful in repairing in the field. 

The tenacious tape can easily fix sleeping pad punctures. Sleeping bag rips, tent fabric tears, and puffy coat holes, etc.duct tape is an all-rounder when it comes to repairing. It can be used to fix broken sunglasses, tent poles, and even prevent blisters.

  •  NUTRITION – don’t forget to pack some light snacks in your hiking essentials checklist. It’s going to be a long day, and you will need calories to sustain energy for the activities. 

You can carry some protein bars, nuts, dried fruits, etc. You can also pack a substantial lunch like tortillas, sandwiches, and bagels.

If you are going on an extra-long hike pack, some extra calories dense foods, in case your hike goes on a little extra than expected. 

  • HYDRATION – keeping your body hydrated is essential on the trail. Water is crucial for keeping your body function properly. Water will cool you down when you feel hot and warm you up when you are cold and will keep your joints and muscles working properly to prevent injuries.

Carry enough water according to the duration of your hike or carry a lightweight water purifier and learn about the water sources along the route.

  •  EMERGENCY SHELTER –  if you are planning a multi-day hiking trip, then a shelter makes an essential hiking gear. However, if you are going for a day hiking trip, you can pack a lightweight and small emergency shelter in case you need to spend the night outside. Emergency bivvy and blankets are affordable and lightweight options that can be your savior if something goes wrong.

Final Words: 

Hiking is a fun activity, but it is important to carry all the vital hiking essentials along to save you from getting into a problem. Whenever you are a first-timer or a pro hiker, caring for the essential hiking gears can be a big-time lifesaver. This list of 10 essential supplies and gear for hiking will have you covered in your pre hiking preparations.

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